I use Mac laptops, up till now they have been close enough to linux and useable that I like them. However increasingly they are starting to annoy me and my next laptop might be linux only. One example of how annoy they are is this new ‘feature’ in OS X High Sierra where if you are installing something like a system extension, when you go to Security & Privacy to ‘allow’ it, pressing the ‘allow’ button doesn’t work.
For me I was enabling a file system feature of an app, in order to do this I had to allow the app, by going to Security & Privacy and allowing the extension to install. However, I go there, unlock the settings and press ‘allow’. Nothing! Nothing happens, the button remains and the system extension isn’t allowed. So annoying, this is my computer! Have I no control!?
There is a ridiculous fix, and that is too use an apple script to ‘click’ in the correct place. The code is below, to get the coordinates that you need use cmd-shift-4 and you get the screenshot crosshairs that will give you the coordinates that go in the {}.
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to click at {584, 819}'